Long carbon fiber Reinforced Polyamide nylon PA12 prepared by solution impregnation process. Long carbon fiber reinforced PA12 is more important in the automotive parts, electronics and packaging industries. Can be compared with PA6 & 66 long carbon fiber modification.
LFT-G PA12 raw material filled long carbon fiber higher performance injection moldingProduct information Nylon 12 (PA12) is a kind of polyamide engineering plastics with excellent properties. With rich petroleum by-product butadiene as the main raw material, low production cost, high economic effect, has been widely used in various fields. Modified nylon 12 is made of nylon 12 resin and quantitative filler, color powder, additives and other components blend, after extrusion, granulation and other processes to obtain a thermoplastic with different properties. LFT-G® long carbon fiber reinforced PA12 series is divided into LCF30, LCF40, LCF50, LCF60 and LCF20 specifications according to the filling amount of long carbon fiber (20%-60%). It has good strength, dimensional stability, conductivity, impact resistance, etc. Application Suitable for the automotive, sport parts, solar energy, high-end toys and other industries. Datasheet The datas are tasted by our own lab, for reference only. Relative products PA6-LCF PP-LCF We can offer you: 1. LFT&LFRT material technical parameters and leading edge design 2. Mold front design and recommendations 3. Provide technical support such as injection molding and extrusion molding. Other information Frequently asked questions Q: How to choose the fiber content of the product? Is the larger product suitable for higher fiber content material? A: This is not absolute. The content of fiber is not more is better. The suitable content is just to meet the requirements of each products. Q: If a product id easily deformed, can we solve the problem by replacing with a long fiber reinforced thermoplastic? A: Long Glass Fiber and Long Carbon Fiber features low warpage and dimensional stability, which can improve part of the deformation. Q: If want to increase the anti-aging properties of the product, is it possible to add anti-UV agent to the material? A: You can choose some materials which are better resistant to aging, and then add some antioxidants and UV absorbers to the materials, to improve the aging resistance of the products.
- pa12 lcf pallets
- nylon 12 long carbon fiber compound
- polyamide12 lcf reinforced
- lft-g pa12 materials
- nylon12 filled lcf
- thermoplastic pa12 composite
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Nylon12 PA12 modified plastic long carbon fiber reinforced mateials higher toughnessPA12 Long carbon fiber The scientific name of PA12 is polydodecactam, also known as nylon 12. The basic feedstock of its polymerization is butadiene, which can rely on petrochemicals. It is a semi-crystalline - crystalline thermoplastic material. PA12 is a good electrical insulator and will not be affected by moisture as other polyamides. It has good impact resistance mechanical and chemical stability. There are many improved varieties of PA12 in terms of plasticizing and reinforcing properties. Compared with PA6 and PA66, these materials have lower melting point and density, and have very high moisture recovery. TDS Application Exhibition We will offer you: 1. LFT & LFRT material technical parameters and leading edge design; 2. Mold front design and recommendations; 3. Provide technical support such as injection molding and extrusion molding.
- Modified PA12 materials
- Nylon12 polyamide12 fiber
- pa12 resin
- LCF PA12
- PA12 car parts engineering plastic
- PA12 filling long carbon fiber
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PA12 Polyamide12 30%Long Carbon Fiber composite higher performance lightweightNylon 12 chemical commonly known as polydodecactam, PA12.
- polydodecactam
- PA12 filling LCF
- High strength plastic
- Nylon12 conposite
- Crystalline thermoplastic material
- Thermoplastic resin
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PA12 NA LCF black color high temperature resistance for automotive partsLong carbon chain nylon is nylon with an amide group in the main chain repeating unit of nylon molecule, and the length of methylene between the two amide groups is greater than 10. We call it long carbon chain nylon, including nylon 11, nylon 12, etc. PA12 is nylon 12, also known as polydodecactam, polylauractam, is a long carbon chain nylon. The basic material for its polymerization is butadiene, a semi-crystalline - crystalline thermoplastic material. Nylon 12 is the most widely used long carbon chain nylon, in addition to most of the general properties of nylon, low water absorption, and has high dimensional stability, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, good toughness, easy processing and other advantages. Compared with PA11, another long carbon chain nylon material, the price of butadiene, the raw material of PA12, is only one third of the price of castor oil, the raw material of PA11. It can replace PA11 and be applied in most scenes, and has a wide range of applications in automobile fuel pipe, air brake hose, submarine cable, 3D printing and many other fields. In long chain nylon, compared with other nylon materials, PA12 has great advantages, such as the lowest water absorption rate, the lowest density, low melting point, impact resistance, friction resistance, low temperature resistance, fuel resistance, good dimensional stability, good anti-noise effect. PA12 has the properties of PA6, PA66 and polyolefin (PE, PP) at the same time, achieving the combination of lightweight and physical and chemical properties, and has advantages in performance. There are a large number of non-polar methylene groups in nylon 12, which makes nylon 12 molecular chain more compliant. The amide group in nylon 12 is polar, and the cohesion energy is very large, it can form hydrogen bonds between the molecules, so that the molecular arrangement is regular. Therefore, nylon 12 has high crystallinity and high strength. Nylon 12 has low water absorption, good low temperature resistance, good air tightness, excellent alkali and oil resistance, medium resistance to alcohol, inorganic dilute acid and aromatic hydrocarbons, good mechanical and electrical properties, and is a self-flameout material. 1) Density The relative density of nylon 12 is only 1.01-1.03, which is the smallest among all engineering plastics, which has a certain effect on reducing the quality of vehicles and reducing fuel consumption. When compared by unit volume, nylon 12 has advantages in price and performance. 2) Melting point The melting point of nylon 12 is 172-178℃, slightly lower than nylon 11, can fully meet the requirements of automobile fuel pipe and brake pipe working environment temperature. 3) Water absorption As we all know, the biggest disadvantage of nylon products is large water absorption, dimensional stability is difficult to ensure. And PA12 has the lowest water absorption rate of nylon products, this is due to the methylene molecules in nylon 12 greatly reduce the hydrophilic groups, which makes nylon 12 has a great advantage. 4) Impact strength Impact strength is an important technical index, especially for nylon 12 pipe often exposed to air. Nylon 12 under -20℃ and -40℃ according to the standard test, no fracture phenomenon, fully meet the requirements of use. Nylon 12 has excellent impact resistance. 5) Low temperature performance Nylon 12 has the lowest brittleness temperature of -70 degrees Celsius, so it can be widely used in low-temperature resistant parts. 6) Flexibility The influence of plasticizer on the physical properties of nylon 12 is concentrated on the elastic modulus of resin. Nylon 12 has three basic types of resin, their main difference is due to the plasticizer content of different forms of flexibility. The elastic modulus of resin decreases with the increase of extractable component content of plasticizer. 7) Low wear and low friction performance Nylon 12 has excellent low abrasion and low friction properties and self lubricating properties, so the friction noise of nylon 12 products is very low. 8) Fuel resistance In automobiles, the mixture of oxygenated fuel, high aromatic fuel and alcohol currently used can cause the breakdown of many hose materials. After the test, only nylon 11, nylon 12 and fluorocarbon resin elastomers can be used in this environment. Almost other types of nylon melt under the action of automobile fuel, resulting in a change in size. 9) Resistance to zinc chloride solution Zinc chloride is found under the car. Under certain temperature and humidity, the salt on the road reacts with galvanized steel plate or zinc-containing primer to form the corrosive zinc chloride. In addition, ozone aging, ultraviolet radiation, temperature conditions and so on, will bring different degrees of damage to the parts, reduce the service life. Nylon 12 is very resistant to zinc chloride solution. Because there is no unsaturated double bond in nylon 12 which is susceptible to ozone attack, ozone ...view more
High temperature resistance PA12 long carbon fiber composite resin sports parts automotiveFiber specification:20%-60% Product grade:Narmal grade
- High impact resistance
- Black color
- Resin plastic
- Instead medal
- reduce cost
- Customized product
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LFT-D PA12 polyamide 12 nylon 12 reinforced lcf compositeProduct grade: General grade Fiber specification: 20%-60% Product feature: High impact resistance, High temperature resistance, High heat resistance, Good dimensional, Stability and low warpage. Product application: Automotive, Sports parts, Solar energy, High-end toys and other industries.view more
LFT polyamide Nylon pa12 carbon fiber 40% reinforced for Flame retardant componentsLFT PA12 Long Carbon Fiber Composite Data Sheet and Technical Guidance
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- Pa12 Pellets Polyamide carbon fiber
- PA12 Long Carbon Fiber Pellets
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LFT PA12 Long Carbon Fiber Composite Polyamide Nylon12 Pellets PolymerLFT PA12 Long Carbon Fiber Composite Data Sheet and Technical Guidance
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- LFT PA12 Long Carbon Fiber
- Nylon 12 Pellets Polymer
- PA12 Granules
- Pa12 Pellets Polyamide
- PA12 Long Carbon Fiber Composite
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Black color pa12 lft long carbon fiber granules poyamide12pa12 lft long carbon fiber granules poyamide12 black material compositeview more
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